Driving license in Europe, not easy at all.

Serious obstacles to the successful completion of the driving test

Obtaining a driving license is becoming more and more difficult nowadays in Europe. The difference between those who enroll and those who succeed at the end increases more and more over the years. The majority being more failure than success. One might suspect that something fishy is happening somewhere. We can deduce that, it is due to a number of factors, including the total cost of obtaining a driver’s license, the psychological status of the various candidates, the concentration required to make a pass etc… The fact that a concrete formula for the success of this examination does not really exist. Hard work is the key to success.
Indeed in Europe the average cost of a preparation for the enrolment of a driving license is about 1500 euros. This amount of money does not make the end scenario joyful, in case of failure; more to that, every active citizen has this necessity at a certain age. This might be for their day to day activities, such as those wanting to drive heavy weight vehicles, ambulance, buses…etc. Just to name a few. All of these expenses and necessities are stressful for many candidates.

A recipe more and more trouble

Having no recipes for passing this exam because the success criteria are not clearly defined, added to the fact that we cannot be sure of the quality of the courses taught to candidates; lessons that are even very much in question in countries like France and Germany. However, the lessons are not always the problem, but also the fact that the learners do not follow the advice given by the instructors, not taking into account certain details and not being sufficiently concentrated.
Moreover, it is also difficult to cope with certain situations that would be complicated. Note also that the time for this exam is much too much compared to the duration of its preparation, which leaves the candidate to mobilize the plethora of lessons learned.
Marc Duval, a 44-year-old Frenchman living in the Alps, tells his story: “Today I am waiting for my third visit to get my license. I missed it twice already, because of stress. At the time of the exam my hands were sweating and my vision very cloudy. I was forced to undergo therapy after my second failure to overcome this stress. I hope that after so much expenditure I will get it finally because it is essential for me to begin my projects in the transport. ”
